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WW1 Officers field compass


The field compass used by Lieutenant E. A. R. Rahbula, O.B.E., M.C., Royal Field Artillery, late 1st County of London Yeomanry

Field compass, by Negretti & Zambra, London, Patent No. 2076/16, the upper portion engraved 'E. A. R. Rahbula R.F.A.', Uncased but otherwise complete. Very fine and original

[M.C.] Edinburgh Gazette 20 August 1917:

'For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. As forward observing officer to his battery he showed great fearlessness in laying out telephone wires across the open to exposed posts, from which he directed the fire of his battery. He also showed great skill and resource in destroying enemy entanglements by the fire of his battery, and by personal observation he was able to render the utmost help to his brigade.'

[O.B.E.] London Gazette 3 June 1932:

'Senior Investigator on the Staff of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England).

Ernest Alexander Rahles Rahbula served in the ranks of the 1st County of London Yeomanry and was commissioned into the Royal Field Artillery. He served in Egypt from 28 April 1915 (entitled to 1915 Star Trio) and thence on the Western Front, earning himself the M.C., but also being severely wounded and suffering from shell shock - probably carrying this compass. Having relinquished his commission on account of his wounds on 30 April 1920 and was awarded his O.B.E. for his work with the Royal Commission of Historical Monuments; sold together with copied research.

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